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Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes 05/19/2009
Historic District Commission
Land Use Meeting Room
May 19, 2009

Members present:  Chair Ken Fowler, KF; Elaine Steinert, ES; Jason Berger, JB; Jim Harwood, JH
Staff present:  Peggy Ammendola, Land Use Clerk, PA

Steve Sample, endorsed by the Board of Selectmen to serve as the Planning Board representative to the HDC, was present.

Also in attendance were:  Jim Biancola, Suzanne Pelton, and Olga Weiss.

        April 21, 2009-ES made a motion to approve the minutes with one correction and JH seconded the motion.  The Commission voted 3-0 to approve.   
        May 5, 2009-JB made a motion to approve the minutes and ES seconded the motion.  The Commission voted 3-0 to approve.

Historic District Project
Jeff Vincent, Superintendent of the DPW, gave an overview and a progress report.  Also present was Town Manager Greg Federspiel.  Mr. Vincent provided a sample of the selected paver which is manufactured by Unilock.  The crosswalks will be constructed of a slightly different pattern and color for definition.  The Commissioners expressed their appreciation for the work that is being done.  

Legacy Banks
Legacy Bank did not have representation at this continued meeting.  JB made a motion to deny the application as presented.  ES seconded the motion and the Commission voted 3-0-1 to deny the application.  JH abstained as he was not at the original meeting.  (The Commission is obligated to act upon an application within 60 days.  That period would lapse prior to the next HDC meeting.)  JB will write the decision.  

Historic Plaques
Suzanne Pelton provided a sample of a sign that the Historical Commission would like to have for historic buildings in the Town.  The purpose is to give the date the structure was built as well as other pertinent information.  The sign presented measured 12”X16”, but there is another size that measures 10”X12”.  The signs will be available at a cost of $85.00, which is a little more than the cost to produce.  The additional money will be used to fund signs for public buildings.

According to Ms. Pelton, these plaques are sanctioned by the Mass Historical Commission and that there is no vehicle for a permit.  

The Commission said that they would prefer a smaller sign for smaller structures.    

Ms. Pelton also said that she has spoken to Jeff Vincent of the DPW about placement of directional signs to inform tourists of the Historic District.  She will email to the Commission suggested wording for the signs.

Trinity Church
Presenting the application was Paul Horton, the carpenter who will be doing the work, and Arthur Schwartz, the architect for the project.  

JB recused himself as he had not participated in the original meeting.  

Mr. Schwartz described in detail the work that is being proposed.  He provided the plans and photographs.  The original stone is thought to be limestone and is deteriorating.  Because of the inferior quality of the stone, they would like to have Chester Granite provide stone that closely resembles the existing for restoration.  The steps will be poured concrete and then a six inch stone veneer will be attached. The hatchway doors will be replaced with steel doors and painted dark green, the original paint color that has been used on the porch. The trim will match.

JH made a motion to accept the revised plans with the bonded stone faced foundation and the alternate for the metal basement access door but not to allow the wood lattice alternate.  ES seconded the motion.  The Commission voted 3-0 to approve.

JB returned to the meeting.

Other business:
Copies of two letters of Violations received from the Building Commissioner, Bill Thornton
        1) Lenox Chamber of Commerce, 12 Housatonic St., Map 43 Parcel 171, sign without a permit.  The Commission stated that a full application should be submitted by the Chamber.  KF, a member of the Chamber, will submit.
        2) Eric Haythorne, 9 Cliffwood Street, Map 43 Parcel 63, rejection of fence installation.  Mr. Haythorne was advised to apply for a Certificate of Appropriateness from the HDC. There was confusion regarding this letter which was dated May 6, 2009.  KF stated that he needed to seek clarification from the Building Inspector, Bill Thornton and report back to the HDC.  

JH made the motion to adjourn the meeting and ES seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to agree 4-0.  The meeting was adjourned 7:30.

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola